
Monday, March 9, 2009

I havent blogged in months.. I actually miss it, but i have been busy, so so busy, that browsing the internet was not even an option, much less actually penning my thoughts down. I'm quite free today (shhhhhh, i'm already getting the 'looks' without even saying it out) so i thought i'd like put it to some use rather than annoy myself by looking at unwanted things. I love doing this to myself.. I know something will annoy me, yet i'll do it and then get annoyed that im annoyed. Ah, the joys of being a woman. Yes, i'm sure its a female defect, and i'm hardly alone in this department. Anways so to keep my itchy fingers away from getting smacked by my own hands, i decided to.. blog :)

Yesterday, as my 5 million and 1st bimbotic moment for the year, i could not get the 8th button to work in the lift. I kept pressing it like a maniac and it just wouldnt light up. So i decided to go to the 9th floor and walk down. ( i was quite proud of my quick thinking considering i had to come up with that solution in a split second heh) Anywayy for the first time in my 8 months with Kinetic, i discovered that the floor upstairs REEKED of audit!! hahaha no kidding! The lift door opened and i was hit by the smell that nearly reduced me to tears.. of happiness! As in I'm talking about serious uplifting of spirits. I was so grateful that i wasn't entering THAT office and that my audit days are a closed and SEALED chapter that will be forever be remembered as my DARKER DAYS. :) Haha you're probably wondering what audit smell am i blabbering about.. Trust me, its this rancid smell thats hits your brain cells and sets off the depressed nerves. I-kid-you-not. Its a combination of the paper and the carpet and is probably even mixed with the odour the depressed people on the 9th floor must emit. :) Or maybe its none of those factors. Whatever it is, it's definitely a smell i recognized. I was overwhelmed by that oh so desired scent every single time i had to be at a client's office to audit them. Be it in the ulu'est part of Jurong or in some unglam industrial park in cheenapok land or even in town.. the 'aroma' was apparent in all of them. Oh well one of those, you gotta smell it to believe it i guess. :)

Anyway that wasn't really the point of my story. My dramatic indian ways always get the better of me, so it took me a while to get to the reason why i shared the incident in the first place haha. So yeah the button... it wasn't working and all that jazz. So i took the stairs from the smelly 9th floor and entered my cool office on the 8th floor, all happy with where i am in life and yeah you got that part i'm sure, and like annouced to the rest of my colleagues that the lift on the right, the 8th floor button wasnt working. They all looked at me confused, prob coz they got to the 8th floor without the extra workout i had to do and the button seemed fine to them. I kinda wanted to add in how the visit to the 9th floor made me realise blah blah and how i felt so blah blah but yeah they didnt look too interested so i just happily unpacked and pretty much bounced around all morning with my joyous revelation on how much i appreciated my current job. So then came lunch and all was forgotten with the help of mean vendors and stress inducing agency arses.. So i went into the lift to go for lunch and that's when i realise... THERE ARE TWO SETS OF BUTTONS IN EACH DAMN LIFT!!!! sigh. 8 months later.. 8 months later and i realise that today. Who born me really.

As i said bimbotic moment number 5 million and 1 for the year. and counting. Sigh.

The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..


I'm definitely not what they call normal. As a wiseman once said, i have the emotional capability of a cactus. :)


my dog. my rabbit. and my prawn. :) oh and of course the selected few.


insects. rude annoying middle aged women who don't get enough action.. whose sole purpose in life is to piss me off at MRT stations. competitive freaks like myself. ;) oh and how a man's accusing finger always finds a woman.


to own a petshop and never have to sell my puppies!! :)





The Kite Runner...


January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
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November 2007
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January 2009
March 2009


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