Thursday, December 11, 2008
Today was actually supposed to be a reading blog's day coz i was initially too lazy to blog buttttttttttt i changed my mind :)
I havent blogged in so long and there are so many bloggable things that have actually happened.. so many events i want etched in my memory, so what better way but a reminder of it on my blog!! so one day my grandkids' kids can say they had a happening great-grandma! :)
Anyhoo one such blog-worthy expedition was my Docent's (my zoo thingie) retreat in mid October this year! I am the promos head for my zoo volunteer group so i had to organize a retreat for the ex-comm. I toyed with the idea of Pulau Ubin, Sentosa, Chalets and all the other been-there-done-that-BORING options. I finally chose some coastal boardwalk at Pulau Ubin which i was kinda dreading coz im not your swamp loving chick and this was some massively one-with-nature kinda places. But i figured that that the rest, being volunteers at the zoo, would totally eat this up so I decided to think less of myself (shock shock horror horror) and go with that option rather than settle for the other more Malini like choices. But seeing as to how God actually loves me, the Pulau Ubin idea got scrapped! haha well i had a part to play in that minor change la but it was more or less determined by external sources. :) So i decided to look around a bit more and i stumbled upon this website . It looked really fun and i kinda am a bit of an adventure loving person underneath my bimbotic persona so i really pushed for this to happen! Only 6 of us managed to make it finally (kinda one of the reasons why the Ubin idea was abandoned) so it was a cozy group, which worked out well coz all of us were totally stripped off our pride, ego, fasle fronts and definitely were caught at our most unglam of moments like 99% of the time. It was a tree top trail thingie with 32 different activities including 4 flying fox fellas OVER THE WATER! wahh the whole experience was just... indescribable. I mean there were many times i really thought i was gonna lose my footing and fall to the ground, which mind you was alot higher from ground than it appeared to be. Of course we used a harness that was connected to a safety line with some other fancy gadgets to ensure our security at all times, but you know how the human mind works.. and when you think you're gonna die, you don't think Oh but i have this to protect me so the most that can happen is i'll be dangling in mid-air should any part of my body decide to leave its designated spot. I was seriously petrified at soo many points and i don't think ive broken out in cold sweat so many times in an hour before! We could only boast of battered and bruised arms and legs, sore palms, some bedok reservoir sand which was lodged EVERYWHERE but an experience we didnt mind reliving over and over again made it all worth it. One of us in the group was literally shivering when she had to climb her first rope ladder but by the end of it she was such a pro! A few of us refused to step off the platform when we had to zip past the water for the flying fox but by the 4th we were all still a tad bit nervous but it definitely took less than counting to 5 at least 10 times before we let go! Oh mannn it was really loads of fun.. one of those 'you've gotta try it to believe it' things.
So yeah i basically did like a free promo for these guys i know, but i realllyyyyy wanna find a group of fear loving enuthusiasts to join me on one of these so if you're readin this and you're game.. CALL MEEEE! And if i havent managed to convince you from my whole spiel above, here are some pictures to seal the deal ;)

The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Ok you have no idea how big an achievement it is!! I installed my own chat box!!! come on be excited for me lehhhhhh! I'm like the computer andoh of the group, where words like Java, bit torrent, binary and gee even the word programming makes me nervous. So it's no big secret that my blog was created and revamped with 100% help! haha yeah Shina and Sho are like my blog goddesses. My blog and I are eternally grateful to you two. *bows deeply showing off some cleavage UNINTENTIONALLY* BUT BUT BUT, i'm not that condemned, i actually managed to figure out how to get my very own chatbox! =) Haha i bet it's like the simplest of things but just let me revel in my newfound genius, why don't you! EUREKA!!!! =)Anyway today i get to ciao early, coz ive got some bus viewing fella, so its gonna be short'ish day! Woo hoo.. Then i'm all prepared for another stay over at the Prawn residence :) The parents are coming back on Friday so i've only got another 2 days to live THE life! I love it man. I especially love having the car 24-7 and being able to be wherever i want without having to worry about pissing the folks off. Haha don't get me wrong i love my parents and all, but lets just say i love them being on holiday as well. :)Wow, the festive season is totally creeping up on us man. Its only what 15 days to Christmas and then New Years!! Seriously who are you and what did you do to 2008?! Damn time really seems to past much faster these days. I don't remember it whizzing by this fast when i was younger. I wonder why that is. I mean doesnt that just screw up the saying "time passes fast when you're having fun" coz i sure as hell know life was a lot more enjoyable when i didnt have to make my own money heh. There used to be a time when i eagerly looked forward to the new year coz that meant my birthday was coming up again (this is where i conveniently fail to mention that my bday falls in June but yeah i'm a real fan of birthdays esp when they're mine, so half a year is better than one)! But now that i'm way past my prime... I kinda dread the ticking clock :( Oh well i'm still gonna make a great deal out of my bday, i just wont be celebrating my age thats about it heh.Anyway the festive season wasnt supposed to lead to the topic of my old and withering self, so pardon that. But yay, i love christmas!!! Its the one season that everyone seems to celebrate! I mean its a no-brainer that i like it mostly coz of the exchange of gifts, but seriously i LOVE the christmas spirit. Everyone seems to partake in it, and just thinking of xmas makes me geuninely happy! Last year i was a bum so nothing can compare to that. But this year my company is being a sweetheart and giving us quite a few days off during the xmas week and also the new year's week. So i have many many long weekends to look forward to! Plus the agency i'm sorta servicing is shutting down for the last 2 weeks of Dec, so i'll be at work but i'll be like WORKLESS!! Oh and after that a few of us are planning to running off to some island for some beach loving.. venue and company has yet to be be confirmed but i sure hope this holiday plan takes off! So i'm really looking forward to the second half of December which is *rubs hand gleefully* a weekend away!!! OK too many happy exclamations in this post. I'm gettin worried now. First sign of things turning bad is that my stupid bus viewing might be postponed to 530pm. So much for finishing early. :( OK i shall quit while i'm ahead, before more evil comes my way. BYE.
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..
Monday, December 8, 2008
I long for another long weekend. Haha how corny i know, but seriously the weekend jus zipped right by. My parents are enjoying their 5 millionth honeymoon, this time in Turkey.. so i pretty much got the whole house and more importantly my PRECIOUS FREEDOM at my disposal :) Yeah but what good is house, parent'less or not, without a DVD player and a computer that delights itself on throwing some tantrum every 5 secs coz it's old and dying. Bleaugh. So yeah i decided to give my maid a real treat and i pretty much moved out for the weekend! :) Happily parked my contented ass at Shawn's house and indulged in all the pleasures my house could not offer me ;) Oh and i am now the proud owner of Desperate Housewives Season 4 (fine call me slow, but i think i've made pretty good progress with this series by my standards!) so that kept me busy all weekend while the boy-not-so-friend was happily consumed with his bloody world of warcraft game nonsense! so i sat there, nagging him after i went through each episode, to get off the computer or like at the very least spare me a glance but nooooo. Boys will be boys. I swear the game makes no sense and looks like it needs none.. just some pointless running around killing random creatures that make alot of unecessary ghoulish noises when they die. *shudders* i dont and prob will never quite understand what exactly the pull factor is with all these weird sadistic games. And we wonder why people are so much more violent these days and cold blooded killers are rampant in so many parts of the world.. sighhhhhh. Ok i know its JUST A GAME, but could there be a connection? I mean they don't even bat an eyelid when they literally slash their opponents to death, doesnt that train them to be a lil more, i dunno vicious? You know what, i'm probably making too big a deal out of nothing.. i mean superman and spidey did a whole load of stunts back in the day, and most of us didnt excatly watch and learn, so i think i shant judge the male population and the way they take to these savage games. I mean after all its a game right? It's like a world we can escape to, so we can be everything that we can't in reality. Hmmm, i reckon we should give the terrorists some of these games. Maybe then they can vent all their frustrations online and we will all be safe :( Orite enough nonsensical rambling for the day.. i'm off! Have fun everyone!
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..
Friday, December 5, 2008
Oh my god its been ages! I was reading thru my blog the other day and i was inspired, what with my new gorgeous layout (thank you shinaaaa) and hints of a slowing down economy (phewww) but of course the "work god" had other plans in store for me.. i was too busy to even consider blogging! I swear the recession and all the other scary words that are being thrown around these days don't seem to be affecting my workload. Maybe its still early, maybe i'm being a retarded ungrateful "i still have a job and work to do while i'm at that" idiot but i was hoping for abit of free time thaz alllllll *pouts* see la its 5pm on a FRIDAY evening and the agency calls and demands a reply by end of day. MAKE THAT TWO REQUESTS! :( why do they keep calling me, only me me me me me me :( ok ive been bombarded with too many calls. sigh. i give up. I'LL BE BACK. *storms off*
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..