i know i keep going on about my puppies but if i don't get tired seeing them everyday, you better not complain about reading about them this often! :)
I seem to be working more often these days which only means i have more stories to share. Haha they really are a joy to be around, and i really got what i wished for- a job i look forward to going for each day!
On sunday, one of the bosses (the shop is owned by two tai tai sisters by the way) brought her 5 year old brat of a niece to the petshop. She entered and exclaimed in this unnaturally high pitched screechy voice "Surprise, mummy, i'm hereee". Ok, at this point i had no idea she was the devil's incarnate so i smiled, thinking to myself oh a manjan kid who speaks proper english. Cute. :) Then the mom said "I heard you've been eating rubbish today.. Ah, Ice Kachang all.. How you going to slim down like that?" Sigh, i felt sorry for the kid at that point, i mean she's 5 for Chrissake. The one time in her life she shouldnt be ridiculed for being a lil overweight. Tsk. Anyhoo my pity for the little one was short lived. While i was at the back area tending to the pups, she grabbed one- THE TINIEST ONE MIND YOU, and carried it out to the front. Ok when i say small, imagine the size of your palm.. its a mini shitzu so its full grown size will only be as big as a sheet of paper. So as a puppy, its freakishly small. I didnt really start worrying as yet cos she had brought the pup where her mom could see her. But then she decided to play 'masa masa' with the lil one. She's probably seen her mom grooming dogs, so she went to the grooming room. At this point i'm the only one who can see what she's up to. Unfortunately the scissors and brush were out, which she happily started using as though we had left it out for her! I stopped myself from saying anything, coz she came across one of those "Mommyyy this indian thing just told me i couldnt do what i wanna do" and start wailing or something. But when she started using the scissors to do i dunno what, i just went straight to her and said "ummm, its a lil small, so lets not do that ok." and i took everything out of sight. She gave me the dirtiest look a 5 year old could muster, and stormed back out to the front. She continued her 'lets kill this puppy today' acts outside.. right under her mom's nose. She put it on this doggy bed, squeezed a pillow right next to it, shoved bones in its face, shoved its whole face into water to force it to drink, tried to read it a story but ended up smashing the book over the puppy instead and yeah thats pretty much when i decided enough was enough. I just went and grabbed the puppy and said " i think its the puppy's bed time now, enough ok". I smiled, to make it better, but trust me at that point i wanted nothing more than to do unto her what she had just put the puppy through. But in my quest to save the furball i nearly killed another, heh. As i was moving away to bring the puppy far away from its potential murderer, i stepped on the cat. :( Plus i didnt realise till like 2 secs later. The cat shrieked, but there was so much going on i didnt quite hear her till i felt something soft under my legs :( Yeah all 100 kg of me, on poor lil Ginger. Thank God, that cat doesnt hold grudges, she just leapt away and nursed her stepped on legs and didnt really come back for revenge, phew. The kid just looked at me while i brought the pup away and told her mom "But mommy the cage isn't comfortable, this bed isss". Thank god her mom just told her to shut up. :)
Oh well, that was the first and hopefully the last time that thing sets foot into the shop when i'm working. *shudders*
Today, as i was crossing the road to the shop, i noticed more activity than usual behind the glass doors. Haha, one of the jack russel puppies had escaped from its cage most probably during the night, and had made its way to the front. My boss hadn't arrived yet, so i watched the drama from the outside. The lil rascal was terrorising the cat who finally made its way to the highest possible place, still keeping a keen eye on the tiny terror. It then, pulled down a doggy bed and tried to rip it apart, stole a soft toy and put the toy through the test of its sharp teeth, brought down a bottle of "Get rid of urine odour" and pushed it around for a bit and peed on another doggy house which was already down on the floor- prob an accomplishment from a while ago. Sigh, i watched it create one mess after another, and guess who had to suffer the consequence once the shop was opened. Haha, but for some reason it was worth every bit. There's nothing more entertaining than watching a puppy enjoy its feedom. :) Here just for your veiwing pleasure, i decided to upload the video so you could see exactly what i was going on about. I didnt get the terrorising part on video unfortunately but i got the peeing and bottle bit! Enjoy!
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
oh my.. i'm so tired.. came back from my glam petshop job a while ago but i'm still suffering from the after effects of bending over too much. no naughty thoughts guys, don't forget the person you're thinking about :)
SO anyway.. its been a great job so far, albeit a lil maid'ish. Its the puppies that make any amount of torture, both to my limbs and ego, worth every single bit. Its no easy task mind you.. The first thing in the morning, i have a few Mas Selamat cases, and trust me the mess the escapees create would make even the dirtiest dog shudder. The cleaning up in the morning right up till about 2 plus is prolly the busiest part of the day.
Bathing the puppies is my personal favourite! It's soooo fun and Miss Shoba can actually vouch for that! She came to browse around at the shop the other day and the owner actually let her bathe the gorgeous cocker spaniel and chihuahua with me! The chihuahua is as tiny as my palm so it giving it a bath was like washing my hands. But the cocker spaniel decided to do some baywatch runs up and down and around the sink so thank god i had sho's help with that cutie! Frigging adorable la.. aiyoooo and the golden retriever pups are so so so so so lovable! I swear all i need is a hug from one of them and my day'll be (ironically) purrfect!
haha speaking of purr, there's a lone cat in the shop, Ginger they call her, and she's the most attention seeking cat i've ever seen. She preys on laps, and the minute she sees one, she claims it as her own. Haha, as long as someone sits down, she'll take that as an invitation, like it or not. Once she's comfortably perched, you gotta stroke her till she's satisfied else, she'll not so gently claw you to remind you she's right there... waiting. Haha, damn cute la... I look forward to my afternoon laptime :)
And then there's the rowdy golden retriever, Disel, bounding around. He's a free ranger and his aim in life is to piss and shit anywhere once i've JUST cleaned it. He's a year old and as playful as can be, so he too will demand your attention every once in a while. He also keeps me attached to my mop, since he decides to release his B's every 2 secs. :) But also very very lovable. There's never a boring moment at work these days.
Ive got so much more to go on about my petshop but anymore and i'll be leaving none to your imagination. So this shall be it for today. And all you non-animal lovers... CONVERT! :)
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..
Saturday, March 8, 2008
To blink and realise a dream, only the sweet dream has become but reality. And so the cynic in me has been quelled, envisaging a happy ending, for this story called life.
All i knew was denial in the name of fun, exploration in pursuit of happiness, cliques to distract, yet closed doors naively opened. Thus gratitude i have for thee, shedding light onto my mind's darkest paths, for you made me see the blatant truth and helped me out of my rut.
Mistakes we've made aplenty, raised voices and spiteful words, we're no stranger to. But with a warm hug, better yet a tender kiss, sweet everythings and apologetic smiles, we're eager to abide.
Dodging the bullets of soceity, riding on the rough terrain of adulthood, leaving stability in search of true satisfaction, facing the terror of failure. Like my guiding shepherd, you steer me- from threats to challenges, from fear to a glimpse of hope, from despairity to sheer determination, the yearning to see my passionate ways through.
I know, not what i have, but what i want. I know, not what will come, but what must be. I know, not who i am, but with you i'll be..the best of me.
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..
I'm definitely not what they call normal. As a wiseman once said, i have the emotional capability of a cactus. :)
my dog. my rabbit. and my prawn. :) oh and of course the selected few.
insects. rude annoying middle aged women who don't get enough action.. whose sole purpose in life is to piss me off at MRT stations. competitive freaks like myself. ;) oh and how a man's accusing finger always finds a woman.
to own a petshop and never have to sell my puppies!! :)