Thursday, January 31, 2008
its raining cats and dogs now, complete with the whole works.. thunder, lighting and my terrified big furry animal trying to squeeze into the darkest of corners, and did i mention smallest, possible.. just went to check on the other furry fella, who's trembling in fear as well.. so i moved the poor rabbit into the house, and hopefully that makes it feel a lil more 'protected'.. My dog, on the other hand has left my room to venture other cozier corners. Crazy animal. :)
Anyways, its the first day of Feb. how fast time flies.. Much has happened since i last blogged. The kiddies, i go on so much about, came down to Singapore. Ragi, Bhav and myself followed them to Night Safari and then back to the place they were putting up at. We were thoroughly entertained the entire time we spent with them and i swear kids really say the darnest things la. I wish i'd recorded every single funny moment, coz my memory seems to fail me now as i intend to quote them! Oh well! Anyways after it was past the kid's bedtime, Bhav, Urmi (the kids' mom), Janna, Giri and myself met at the 24 hour Swensens in town. The lethal combi- Janna and Giri- left us in peals of laughter 3/4 of the time. They really are a funny pair la. I miss those days, where we all used to hang out in Ngee Ann. By all i mean like about 10 of us.. making fun of each other (of coz i'd be the butt of the joke most of the time la, but was fun nonetheless), creating a racket in the atrium, playing pranks on the randomest of strangers- sometimes a chick, one of the guys in the group had their eye on, competing to see who could scream my name or whistle the loudest.. haha all sorts of nonsense la! i truly miss.. :( i even miss the long bus rides home.. i miss everything about my poly days la..
Anyways.. enough reminiscing.. Its not like i can go back in time, can i..
Had a hotel stayover at Raffles the Plaza, now known as Fairmont, over the weekend. The room was the bomb!!! it had a larger than life bed, a whole 'living area' and ample space to do some cartwheels or whatever u pleased! It was my mom's treat for us, those who took part in Abhaya! :) We had some Absolute pear and wine in the room and then made our way to Gotham, which was having a damn Bhangra night. Got tired of the constant 'armpit in the air' dance moves and headache causing beats, so we headed down to 2359 for a refreshing change in music. Was the first time i was clubbing with the younger dance chicas, and i must say they're a fun bunch! Should have seen their soulja boy dance moves all, cekappppppppppppppp man! ;) sigh, i feel old. wait a sec, i AM old. sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Went to Bintan from Monday to Thursday. Bintan was, as expected, heaven on earth. It was kinda like a 'business' trip, and i shall leave it as that. But Bintan never fails to leave me awestruck. Picked up a new 'sport'- boogie boarding and Shawn and I had the best time- chasing, fighting, riding and being one with the waves.. If only we'd discovered the board earlier!We enjoyed the traditional cold beer on the beach, at sunset and even at noon, desperately trying to wash down the heat with the afternoon sun mercilessly beating down on us. We experienced the beautiful pool at Nirwana gardens, and treated ourselves to a cocktail each, at the pool bar, while still half submerged in the water. We realised, faced and even overcame some of our fears. One of my many fears for example, was worrying that some creature in the water would somehow get me. So i would nervously scan the water for jelly fish or other scary fellows and everytime a wave hit and the water became cloudy, i'd run back to the shore screaming! Well that fear has now diminished! Well, sort of :) We got an awesome deal, $55 a night at Nirwana beach club! a last minute grab- end of January thing apparently. So it was a super saver which totally didn't hinder our fun! Came back with a major tan, not something i'm completely ecstatic about, but i guess it couldnt be helped, what with the amount of time we spent under the blazing sun. All in all, a fabbbb trip and hopefully one that served its purpose!
I'd have posted pictures for all the exciting things i spoke about, but i havent gotten down to uploading the pics from my camera.. Maybe next time, aight! :) Till then, good day ya'll!!!!!!! Muacks! I'm off to snoozeland for a bit! Ah, the joys of being a bum! =)
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Feels good to get back into my online diary habit.. I know i'll appreciate reading about the good times one day, when i've none left, heh.
Well after my Africa trip, i went to KL for a wedding and also to see the kiddies! Darling nani and sakani who are still every bit as gorgeous as i remember! I had a blast hanging out with them, letting them climb over me literally and sleeping off with them next to me, waking up to one of them chattering in my ear about her favourtie TV programme and demanding that i wake up to see Mickey Mouse and his gang do some one, two step kinda dancing.. And now they even have a little addition, a tiny brother! He's also the cutest la, babysitting him was sooo fun! So yeah KL was good, catching up with the Perth gang, babies included and just sleeping every free moment away since i was still recovering from the exhausting African trip.

Then i came back and Xmas was a few days after. Well, Prawn and i, got those around us who mattered gifts, and it was fun giving it to them and seeing their expression! Haha we got some of them 'interesting' books and the "A book? But why?" expression was just classic! Oh well, the season of giving is always the best time of the year.. Its like everyone celebrates Christmas, no matter what race they might be. Sure, i don't mean everyone celebrates by going to Church and stuff but everyone gets into the Christmasy mood- which is all happy and festive! Love love love! We had a few Xmas parties, and chilling with the gang- playing pictionary, taboo and even some gambling was really entertaining. I've discovered that many have overtaken my "freak" status when it comes to playing games! Haha, i'm more subdued now, or so i think. But winning will always leave a sweet after taste, that i shan't deny ;)And New Year's came soon after.. Well our new year's eve celebration was a lil messy but at least the count down was sane. We counted down with half of S'pore who were at Vivo City, while we watched them in the comfort of our room at Amara. The spirit was definitely in the air and i'm glad i shared it with the more important ones- minus Ragima who was working :( And so that was New Years eve. The rest of the night just got more and more chaotic and the end result was a disaster but well at least its a lesson learned.. or should i say earned. sigh.. Tis ok, made up for that by spending a nice quiet New year's day with my favourite boy! Muacks! :)
And since then, i've been up to the same ol' things.. Minus clubbing of course. I hadnt clubbed in like 2+ months and i didnt even miss it all that much. But Shawn and i decided to have a quiet night at Gotham on Wednesday and that was fun, coz it was empty'ish and so it didnt really feel like a regular club. There was great music, just about the right amount of alcohol and no sweaty body in your face! Purrrfect :) Of course getting into the cab at 2plus was a BADDD idea coz my motion sickness played up and yeah, the rest is history la. Haha so my Thursday wasn't that great but oh well you win some you lose some. Plus my stay home Thursday felt good- made the parents happy and i havent done that in a while!Tis the weekend again, i'm not sure what plans are in store for us.. Hopefully a quiet weekend, which is kinda how the weekends go by these days.. Merry weekend everyone!! :)
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..
My, my, my. Its been ages hasn't it. Been meaning to blog for a while now, but i just seem to find a million other better things to do. During the days of employment, that seem lightyears ago now in retrospect, when i actually had a million other things to do, i found the time to blog conscientiously. Now... tsk. Disgraceful aye.
I'm having the best days of my life. Just how i imagined bumming to be. I shan't go on too much, i don't really wanna make anyone jealous ;)
My holiday to South Africa was amazing with a capital A! From the breath taking scenery to the once in a lifetime experiences with the wildest of animals, the whole trip had me shaking my head in awe from start to end. Imagine driving by a regular road in Capetown and seeing a looming mountain on your left, and a vast blue green ocean on your right- both at the same time. Rich in wildlife, culture and all things beautiful, South Africa is really a dream holiday destination.

The Game reserves (safaris) were my absolute favourite, i got up close and personal with animals i never dreamt i'd see out of the zoo or discovery channel! 8 lioness, eyeing us in our open jeep, while they roamed the wild, walking right past us- i'd have reached out and given it a pat had my hands not been shivering with fear. A buffalo, with horns that looked every bit as strong and mean as the owner himself, looked at us menacingly before retreating into the thick bushes. Rhinos, grazing the grass so close, oblivous to our presence. One walked right past our jeep, i even managed a close up of its massive bum :) I fell in love with the lanky yet graceful giraffes- who adoringly peeked out of the tree they were eating out of, just to say hello to us curious onlookers. The wildebeest, also known as the gnu, wandered the safari in abundance together with the impalas, kudus and other members of the deer family- the lions' McDonald's as they're fondly referred to. And those were just to name a few. It was animal paradise, up close and dangerous, just how i like it. We stayed over at the safari for a night, and our room was literally in the wild. There was a little balcony and we realised in the morning that it overlooked the thick jungle that was beneath us. Of course we were given strict instructions to stay indoors at night, coz you never know what might greet you at the door otherwise, not that i'd have minded, but i didnt wanna take chances ;). Our morning ride started at 6am so i even caught sunrise- the one thing that is consistently stunning no matter which part of the world you might be in.

Horse Riding- an activity i've loved ever since i can remember was also something i indulged in while in Africa. Riding in the middle of nowhere, but which felt like i was everywhere all at the same time; through the vineyard, crossing streams, venturing dangerous terrain- up and down slopes, looking up to see the clear blue sky cradled by the mountains. I was brought closer to nature than i'd bargained for, on horseback. What more could i ask for. I chanced upon the riding stable and as luck would have it there was a group setting out just about the time i came in. So just like that, i went off with a group of 4 others and a guide, all of us on our own horses. I'd consider myself an amateur, so i was a little nervous coz you never know when the horse might decide it was tired of you, and throw you off or something whacked like that. But all went well, my horse was the sweetest thing and we all had fun trotting, cantering and just soaking in as much of the beautiful atmosphere as we possible could. My idea of the perfect hour.
Other experiences of a lifetime include visiting a cheetah and lion ranch where i actually got to pat the cubs! Well the cubs were about 7 months old in both ranches, so they were already quite big but they were as docile as house cats. The cheetah purred away while i stroked her, and the lion cub sat silently while i looked into his eyes and patted his head. Truly every bit as amazing as it sounds. We also took a boat out to seal island- a huge rock about 15 mins from shore which housed about 500 seals! We watched them, as some basked in the sun while others showed off their latest stunts in the water. They were totally unbothered by us, although some looked like they were putting on a show just for our viewing pleasure!

So yeah, South Africa was really really awesome and thats already playing it down. If i had my way, I'd make the whole country one of the wonders of the world- it truly is nature at its best. On a scale of 1 to 10, i'd give it a 100 for being the best holiday i'd ever had!
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..