Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Havent blogged in ages.. Don't even feel like blogging now, but i'm waiting for my turn on scrabulous so i figured, why not do something a little more worthwhile than staring into thin air.. plus i might get some ideas from here for my next word on scrabble! =) trust me i need all the help i can get.. i'm losing more than i'd like to admit! My first few winnings left me with an extremely sweet after taste, so the bitterness of losing is definitely not going down very well. Oh well, you win some, you lose some aye.. haha yes im a very sore loser as you can clearly see. I remember when i was like 6 perhaps, my brother and I were playing snake and ladders. He cheated, and duh, i lost because of that. I was fuming mad, i started wailing and i snatched a huge plastic bag (the red ugly one that existed even in the medieval times) and was actually going to dump some clothes into the bag and run away. I'm serious! So what if my running away meant going to the neighbour's house which was like 2 doors down. The point is, i hated losing.. even when i was just a kid. haha, not much has changed since then.. Ask my friends, they'll tell you what an awesome person i am to play with, in games like pictionary and taboo =) hahahha! guys come on, we all need some friendly competition to spur us on, don't we :)So yes. My bumming days have begun. I'm officially unemployed and enjoying every second of it. I'm taking the time to catch up on movies, nursing my poor prawn back to good health, playing lots and lots of scrabble and of course getting the precious zzzzzzzzzs that i completely missed out on when i was a poor slave to you know where :) Its awesome and i've not regretted my rash move the slightest bit.I'm going to South Africa in less than a week! I am so excited! I went for the briefing over the weekend and was told that we'll be visiting cheetah and lion ranches, among many other 'animally' things and we will actually be able to cuddle the cubs! sigh... such a dream come true.. And we'll be staying at the game reserve overnight, so maybe a wild animal might pay me a visit at night! Absolutely cant wait for the trip man.. The whole tour starts as soon as we step off the plane, so it really promises to be a mighty load of fun!*oh i god i just had a major stroke of luck and got a 72 pointer! woohooooo! for the clueless, i'm talkin about scrabble, heh*Ok back to reality.. Sigh i'm sleepy even though i got like 8 hours of sleep... Something must be seriously wrong with me.. im gonna be making fried rice for my broken ribbed guinea pig in a bit! Haha well im tired of eating out and we're running out of options. plus trying my hand at some 'simple' dish will keep me entertained for a few hours and i'll be able to gloat about it for while :) although id very much like it if ya'll wished me luck. Of course i will be under the close supervision of my maid, but thats only in case i burn the kitchen down or something :)Aight, for someone who hasnt blogged in a month, i think ive gone on enough... I'm tired of hearing myself, so i cant imagine the damage done unto you. haha yes a dramatic monkey i shall forever be. tata see ya'll sooon!!!!!!!!!!
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..