Wednesday, August 29, 2007
wassuppp everyone! =) how are we feeling todayyyy?Hahaha yes i'm in a good mood, believe it or not, coz i've been having slack days at work since i came back from M'sia over the weekend!Monday,i was on leave, woo hooo! had a good sleep till about 2 pm after our 6 hour long bus journey from KL. The bus journey was actually damn fun, with just all of us young ones (shaddap sandy i'm young too ok ;) ) and 6 of us squeezed on 4 seats ( i'll leave that to your imagination ;) ) and we were gossipping till God knows wat time! And bhu gave bhav and me the best foot massage ever! so yummmm =) Although i have to mention the fact that us actually getting onto the bus was a miracle, damn that pudu raya! Its a sad excuse for a bus port la. Friggin corrupted and highly disorganized. Tsk, they should learn a thing or two from us. Ok, i shall keep in mind that all this can be used against me (dun ask me how, i'm just a chicken) so i shall refrain from saying anything else about the dump.Anyways so yeah.. We got back at around 6ish and i was curled up in bed by 7am. Slept soundly till 2 and was up and about for the rest of the day! Prawnstar and i went to watch Bourne Ultimatum at Vivo City and then decided to go to Sentosa on a whim! haha i loved it! we went on the Skyride and the Luge thingie and my safe driver's instincts slowed us down heaps but winding roads and steep enough slopes at night is a reason enough to go at 10km/h ok! ;) of course prawn boy was bored la, and everyone was whizzing past but i was kinda terrified so yeah =) you should see the picture snapped of us, we loooooooooooook really retarded! ok fine, at least i do! Then we lounged at Cafe Delmar with a bottle of wine and yummy bar snacks- calamari and nachos! most most most fun and we had our very own fireworks show ;)! haha the taxi ride home was a little ummm amusing in a spoiler kinda way, but at least we're laughing about it now! some taxi drivers i swear are sooooo weird! *shivers*Tuesday was another whackkkk day! decided to follow the footsteps of cher and ham and so i self declared it a *ahem* holiday =) surprised the sleepyhead who looked more alarmed than plesantly surprised! dragged him for a jog with me in the evening and we ended the day with a nice dinner at Jalan Kayu!Wednesday was another slack day! and the highlight of my day was my much needed pedicure! ahhh i finally have toes that are not puke worthy! and my poor feet needed the pampering after the constant stamping and torturing! dinner at newtons was not too bad, though the satay was slightly disappointing. speaking of newton, oh my goddddddddd.. its so stressful to eat there! once you walk in, you're bombarded from all directions, its crazy! i mean i know its highly competitive and all, but is it our fault that the freaks decide to open up identical stalls?! they stress us out and try to influence our decision, even before we've decided if we're really hungry or not! They slyly sit you down near their stall and strategically place their menu on the table, and then they have a disclaimer to try to make it all right - "its ok missssssss. just see only, not say must buy. Its ok jus see onlyyy". Idiots. Of course i feel bad right; they braved the other competitors and fought to get us a seat, wiped the table squeaky clean and pretend to be genuinely concerned if we're comfortable or not. Doesn't one feel compelled to return the favour and order from them? I swear its not the unhealthy food that'll give me high blood pressure at Newton's mannnn! ok fine, so i'm stressed out easily, shush!Oh well, today's gonna be an 'interesting' day. I've gotta go for the stock count of COE stocks later.. yeah the car COE thingies.. God knows how one counts those fellas.. well i guess i'll find out later, won't i.. Lets hope i don't do a boo boo, since i'm so clueless! wish me luckkkkkkkkkk! muacks!
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
its good to be back! and danceless! haha.. i'm really glad the whole ordeal is over.. Although i say ordeal, now that its over i don't look back at the whole experience as something extremely uncalled for. In fact i'm glad i had a chance to be part of the production, as cliched as it sounds! But that also does not mean i'm gonna jump at the next opportunity to par take in another major production. I'm human enough to realise a break is much needed.. from dance and other committments alike. I cursed and swore, wept and pleaded, sacrificed and bled (ok fine 'blue-blacked' would be more apt but i like some drama ;) ), stumbled and got mocked at, fought and feared.. I'd say ive been through it all, my all at least. And i know i couldnt wait for the end, all of us counting down to the last performance, a little more eagerly as each day passed. We literally dragged ourselves to practice every day, always wondering why we succumbed to such torturous ways.. Even during practices and run-throughs, i felt like i'd left my soul behind, while my body, alone, danced. my legs were moving along to the familarity of the tune while my heart watched from afar. i was void of emotion. We had gone through the process way too many times for us to actually enjoy what we were doing anymore. What was meant to be an expression through dance became a silent suffering of the soul. I kid not, neither am i exaggerating, much :) well, i'm suprised with all this negativity and contempt, which the familiarity famously bred, God actually took our side and each one of the four performances, touched our hearts and it was more than just us tired dancers on stage struggling to meet our teachers' and even the audience's expectations.. Maybe it was the stage lights that created the atmosphere, or even the excitement of being on stage (nahhhh). Maybe it was the fact that we'd worked so hard that we wanted the performance to be our best effort ever. Or maybe, just maybe, there was a certain force that made each show a success, something beyond anything imaginable or explainable.. Something that made you realise you're there for a higher purpose. Something that opened doors to our souls.. Something that made it all worth it.. Well, i can safely say that all 7 of us who took part, no matter how much we whined, complained and hated every second of the past 2 months, will realise at the end of it all, that to taste the sweet, we had to face the pain. And you know what? i'm glad i did.
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..
Monday, August 20, 2007
i don't really feel like blogging. neither do i feel like working though, so the lesser of two evils i have chosen. =) i'm soooo lazy and tired.. my eyes hurt, like i've my eyeballs have been poked countless times and are now sore from all the poking, heh. but even though they hurt, i keep closing my eyes and pressing my eye-lids so i can feel the pain.. no really, whats wrong with me ah? and whats wrong with my eye :( i hope its only coz i'm tired and not cos i'm suffering from some eye issue, or something scarily complicated. hmmm but then that way i dun have to go to work righttt!! whooopieeeeei feel sleep deprived again.. although i think i slept for a good 7 hours (at least) last night, i feel like i had none.. and trust me i slept the full 7 hours, not waking up even once inbetween! wow.. the performance over the weekend has really left me drained.. and to think i have two more over the coming weekned, in Penang and KL! *faints*oh well, thank god we had a two-day show over the weekend. the first day was.. full of hiccups! from the sound to the lights to the lack of energy in the dance! and my many wonderful balancing acts, like a pregnant hippo on a tightrope! sobbb we really felt horrible after the show.. at least most of us did. Thank god sunday was like a gazillion times better! i actully felt good after the show! and alot of people had such nice things to say.. made the torture that we endured the past few weeks SLIGHTLY worth it.. haha notice i said SLIGHTLY ah.. heh.haha i started this entry at like 10am.. its now 3pm and i still havent finished.. i seriously don't know whats wrong with me today.. my thoughts are all over the place, i cant write a complete sentence without toggling between the other windows i have open. Its crazy... i think i need a job that allows me to move around, this whole sitting down infront of a screen and number crunching is something i have succumbed to ENOUGH! maybe if i'm physically active, my brain won't go into sleep mode as often as it does. *mumbles angrily*ok i have no more patience to do anything productive anymore, blogging included.i'm out! in all ways possible ;)
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..
Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Go to for more info guys!! this is the show i've been going on about for so long.. buzz me if you're interested but too shy to get tickets yourself so something absurd like that =) check it out if you can!!
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..
i wonder if there really are people who wake up everyday and thank God for the new day.. coz seriously if you're one of them... GET A LIFE! *yawn*i'm one of those who wake up and think GEE THANKS GOD, DID YOU REALLY HAVE TO MAKE IT A NEW DAY THIS FAST!? (if i can even manage a thought in my stoned, sleepy state) while i fumble around wondering what that stupid noise that's disturbing my precious sleep is.. trust me to set a 'too sweet for the morning' alarm ringtone that would probably put me right back to sleep instead of waking me up.. you'd think 2 years of working would make waking up at an unearthly hour a tad bit easier (or normal), but nooooooooo.. every morning i swear, is a living torture.. sigh, 5 mins (of more sleep of course) in the mornings is something i've come to appreciate a great deal and a day where i can sleep in.. ah thats just God's gift to me. Yes i AM very sleep deprived folks, so reserve all lazy comments to yourself, even if you think (or know, hah) that i get sufficient sleep every night. :phad a fun work day at work yesterday, coz i hardly was at it! hahahhaa =) no la.. i packed up and moved to city hall cafe cartel, during lunch, where i set up my temporary office :) haha bullied prawnboy to help me do this 70+ page checklist while i finished the rest of my work! cheryl, ragi, siva and ham-boy came to join the party soon after! was loads of fun and most importantly i was productive! i finished what i had set out to do and so did shawn! haha thanksssssssssssssssss prawnstar!oh my yesterday i was in one weird ass mood.. i was pmsing majorly, but as usual coz i'm not too in touch with my feminine side (other than shopping of coz) i didnt realise that was why i was such a moody, touch-me-not, grump! although one can argue that malini is typically all that on a normal day, try my usual self but add like a few hundred notches of absolute grumpiness! sigh, i know i know.. i'm not at all proud of it but hey you can't blame me if women are made complicated. i think the dancing helped though.. all that release of energy worked out well for me.. i kinda recovered from my moodiness and was normal'ish by night! phewwwwwwwww.. and i sure as hell hope that my nerves aren't as frazzled today.. and i'm sorry that you were at the receiving end of all that crap! *red cheeks* i promise to give you a few pms-days yourself, so you can be as cranky as you want, without question! hah, sure =)anywayzzzzz ive got some exciting accounts to draft, so excuse me while i start on my thrilling task. did i say yawn already? haha i just felt like ending off with some random excerpt from a random song.. enjoy =) "She rolls the mile makes you smile all the while being trueDon't take for granted the passion that she has for youYou will lose if you choose to refuse to put her firstShe will if she can't find a man who knows her worth"
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..
Monday, August 13, 2007
I'm so bored la.. I'm ACTUALLY bored. hah. and this time i really don't have anything to do.. how bizzare, indeed! i'm supposed to be doing some dumb follow up but the manager and senior in charge are both missing in action, so i don't really know what they want me to do! wahhh times such as this, are absolutely rare and i havent had no work to do in a looooooooooong time, so i shall revel in it a lil bit! but knowing my arse luck, i'll prob get some phonecall or email that'll burst my lil bubble so hard, you'll probably be hit by its remnants over at your end. heh.
oh well but in the meantime i shall keep myself busy doing all the things i'm so good at=)
had lunch yesterday @ cafe cartel with giri and jan; two people i hadnt seen in forever! and cheryl, shawn and i chilled at coffee club at central after work! it was a major garlic bread day man.. but seriously guys, the garlic bread and banana smoothie at coffee club is to die for .. i kow it doesnt sound like the best of combinations but seriously, WOW! sigh, and here i was supposed to be on some stupid diet, at least until my damn performance.. but, pray tell me, how do i deny myself of garlic bread! once again i fall prey to my oh so weak mind! its so annoying.. i'm dancing like a mad cow but i still look like one! sob! i hateeeee my fat genes! *sulks*
coffee club was fun! hadnt seen and chilled with cheryl in ages and we had a good time taking pics and distoring them! hahaha let me show you pretty coneheaded cheryl! =)

hahahha i swear we were cracking up for the longest time! sigh.. i love my new phone laaaa! *beams*
alriteeee i'm off now... its 11.30 and i'm bored outta my wits so i shall indulge in some retail therapy! looking for a nice watch and wallet or a bag even.. haha anything really.. i just have this nagging urge to buy something! sigh call it a disease if you want, but i just like to think of it as female tendencies :) see ya laterrrrrrrrrrrrr!
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..
The highlight of my weekend was my triston time! sigh, he's too cute to be true la.. handsome lil fellaaaaaaaaaaaaa, isn't he!!
Gutsing at Vines with Shawn, seeing gorgeous triston and sexy stef, and watching most of disturbia behind my blue shawl made my Sunday most fun! =)
Have a good week lovessss!
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..
Thursday, August 9, 2007
hellooo worlddd! wassupppppp =)oh and happy national day singapore!! *heh* right. more like thank you for the public holiday singapore!! :)anywayz.. today was *shock shock horror horror* spent at dance prac! hah most of it was la. Had prac from 9am till about 6 in the evening.. We didnt dance much, just practiced our quick changes and tried to refrain from puking at our reflection while we tried out the extremely odd costumes.. haha i say odd coz... you'll see. :) oh mi goddd i swear! i mean we indians are already blessed with 'em child bearing hips.. the least you'd expect is for the costumes designed to either conceal the fellas or just do their very best to not play them up.. but of course, the only thing the costume does is to bring them right outta their trying-very-hard-to-hide-but-failing-to-succeed- hiding place and put them right unto your doorstep. sigh.. Seriously, i kid NOT. Its so super unflattering. Plus its a quick change so we don't even have time for that extra tuck which might actually work a miracle. well now i can only hope that with the amount of goo on my face, you'd either a) not recognize meb) HOPEFULLY think the skinny, pretty one is me, since you cant really tell with all that 'drawing' on our faces, who's who!c) sit so far away, i look tiny, no matter what angle i turn. just like when you look at cars from the 60th floor of Swiss Hotel =)So yeah, at least you know what to expect. and where to sit ;)haha for those who have no idea what i'm going on about, and that'll be really dumb coz thats all i've been going on about for the past i don't know, month? i'm performing, together with another 20 odd people in Victoria Theatre next weekend! (18/19 August). Its at 7.30pm and its an oddissi based repertoire. Well oddissi is actually a really gorgeous, graceful style of classical indian dance and art lovers should give this a go. Having said that, look at everyone BUT ME and you will leave the theatre still loving the artform =) haha ask me for details if ya're really interested aight!so much for my little publicity stunt, haha just helping tfa a lil laa.. oh yes tickets are donation based so have i said the magic word already? and NO, that does not mean its free! *groan* singaporeans just do not know how to appreciate such practices. When we say 'pay what you want' they immediately exclaim 'Oh that means free!'. Excuse me, We're a charitable organization not a so-rich-we-don't-need-your-money organization. So please, donate generously. If you can. If you really can't, just pay from your heart. At the end of the day, its not a money driven event. We believe in art, jus for the love of it. We hope to touch even the coldest of hearts, and bring a tear to them, with the simplicity and sincerity in which we go about our events. It has happened before, and if you give us a chance, it can happen again =)ok enough preaching about my affliation.. lets see.. so today i came back from dance and had to go straight into my work, coz i had a shit load to finish by tomorrow morning.. and thank god, i managed to. Phew. Yesterday night i finally met the sholana and the ragima! its been so long since i'd seen sho! We had our yindian food at casurina and then went to sho's house where she showed us all her bloody good bargains! that girl can really smell a good deal anywhere! sigh, i'm the kind who will buy something and then a week later find that exact same thing on some massive sale. yeah, luck. guess some of us really don't have it. *sulk*alrite i think i've gone on about wayyyy too much.. my bed and comforter are calling out to me, and i've never been one who could resist 'em, so good nite folks!muacks! one more day to the weekend, you can do it! ;)
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..
Monday, August 6, 2007
i have a meeting at 11am so this is gonna be a quick one! i couldnt be arsed to do other work before the meeting so i decided to lepak (as usual).. i don't even have anything specific to blog about so be forewarned.. ITS GONNA BE BORING. heh.
anywayzzz yesterday was a funnish day! had lunch with shawn, shaun and aunty hilda! it was some afternoon entertainment indeed! lil p is really one psycho laaaa.. he and his lame ass jokes and tekaning attempts! h-i-l-a-rious i say! not to mention hearing about his antics- he was wondering why the car couldnt move even though he was furiously accelerating WHEN HE HADN'T EVEN TURNED ON THE DAMN CAR!- yeah stuff like that.. those are normal shaun p things to do, he's sucha himbo! hahaha but we all still love him, he's a one stop entertainment central! ;)
then i came back to work, sigh such a horrible feeling it was.. haha but i packed up early enough and ragi, shawn, bhav and me sat down at city hall cafe cartel where i finished up whatever work i could and 'gutsed' on the yummy cafe cartel foodies! then after all that, was the normal late night dance prac.. which was.. the usual. finally came home at midnight, tried to play aunty aggie but turned out to be aunt i-wish-i-could-be aggie and finally went to sleep at god knows what time.. had weird ass dreams about kittens and puppies and alot of random things that i wish i could just remember! oh well i do feel quite rested, so i hope the rest of the day goes on well enough.. i liked my random running away to cafe cartel yesterday, so i hope there's another fun unplanned visit to wherever again today! haha =) muacks everyone, have a good day!
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..
Sunday, August 5, 2007
its 11.01am and as usual i'm soooooooooo unmotivated to work.. i keep taking like breaks every 5 mins and finally decided to do something worthwhile, like blog =)
the weekend that passed was strenuous, both physically and emotionally.. dance for 12 hours (nearly) on saturday earned me a foot pampering session from my dearest mommy.. she felt so sorry for my "stamped-out" legs! she made me soak my feet in a tub of warm water to which she added cookin salt laa.. she figured salt is salt- whether for food or the foot.. geez! anyways warm water has never felt better.. i swear it is an instant relief! and then she massaged the sole right up to the calf, kneading and doing many magical things with her fingers! thanks mommy!!!!!!!!! oh and she also agreed to bring me to africa at the end of the year! double thanks!!! yipeeeeeeeeee! it kinda pays to dance, makes her so happy- she agrees to almost anything her demanding daughter asks of her! =)
then sunday had to be a biatch and come.. awoke at 7nish in the not-so-inviting morning and trudged to dance prac.. thank god prac finished at 2pm yesterday.. it was a very frustrating prac, but i don't wish to go into details. lets just say, bleaugh! anyways so i got my smelly ass back and took a cat nap before heading out to meet prawnboy! we watched perfect stranger at marina, where i drooled at halle berry while he looked at me suspiciously.. haha, told you i swing both ways if SHE's worth it ;) then we wanted to go to balaclava [i have no idea how u spell it :( ] but it was closed! i know, closed on a sunday?! whats this, australia?? heh. so anyways since it was closed we took a nice slow stroll to indochine opposite boat quay! i love the place, its by the river.. enough said! we finished a yummy-enough bottle of red wine and since i'm a veggie-delight for the next couple of weeks we couldnt even get any snackies! well thats good and bad i guess, and on the good i shall focus on for the time being =) haha got myself locked in the toilet, and the nice indochine-i dunno what man- saved me!! so embarrassing i say, but tis ok its a malini thing to do and the dude said its kinda common so i didnt feel sooooooooooooooo stoopid la :)
ohhhh yeah and i finally bought my new phone! i loveeeeeee it! its white and its slim and light and its a SAMSUNG! this time shawn's gonna keep it safe in his pocket always, no more me and my careless ways!!
and so thats how the day went! My sunday date with the favourite seafood made the weekend all better, we really havent gone out like that in a while! oh well, 2 weeks to go... i can do it, right?
sigh, muacks peopl'ings.. have a good week ahead!
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Its Fridayyyyyyyyyy!hah so what? its not like i have an exciting night planned ahead or the weekend for that matter.. Yes my world shall revolve around dance for the next few weeks.. And to that fact i have sort of resigned, so whine i shall not =) but there have been hints of dance practice finishing early on sun! by early i mean like 4.30pm or something.. and if so, woooooohoooooooooooo! i might have a life after all! i might go for a much-needed date break *smile* been a while aye? im sorry i'm such a busy dancing cow =( my holiday plans are soooooooo all over the place.. from hawaii to aussie to no more leave to quitting so i can take a holiday to... yeahhh kinda all over the place innit... my mom has very kindly offered to bring me to New Zealand at the end of the year (all paid for it seems *jumps around*) but i'm thinking of brainwashing her to bring me to Africa instead.. waddya think, brilliant or wat ;) well we'll see.. but i want a holiday with the girlies [and the selected boys ;) ] too.. we were thinkin of a not so high budget one, thus aussie seemed most promising.. but yeah we need to sit down n figure it out one of these days ah.. and i wanna go to Bali and this safari thing in Java and Bangkok and Koh Sa Mui and Bintan (yes, again!!!) and just about anywhere thats holiday resort'y where i can just lay on the beach all day and admire God's gift to mankind..ok all this holiday talk is making me a lil lazy and considering how i'm already blogging on the sly, i better shut up and go before i get into some serious trouble!hope ya'll have an awesome weekend and have a drink or two on my behalf, won't you?muacksssssss
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..