Monday, April 16, 2007
i'm tired. i'm annoyed. i'm in pain and in dire need of a massage. i'm sleep deprived.
i'm hamsterless. i'm moody. i'm grumpy. i'm confused. i'm definitely a professional 'whiner'. i'm hating work, ALOT more each day. i'm feeling even more pessimistic than usual.
i'm irritated i'm home while everyone's out. i'm destructive when it concerns your ego.
i'm your reality check that nothing comes easy. i'm sounding like i'm full of myself.
i'm losing the plot. i'm wasting my time. i'm known for making little sense. i'm forgetful.
i'm forgiving, i think. i'm exhausted. i'm random. i'm in need of serious help.
i'm gemini so i'm many people in one.
and now i'm gone.
*poof vanish*
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..

Two of my personal favourites...
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..

Babloo *sniff*
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
If you could only see the way he loves me, maybe you'd understand... what i feel inside.
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..
Monday, April 9, 2007

Give me a baby and i'll love you for life. Sigh....
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..
i should be working i know, but i couldnt resist updating my blog.. although being efficient during the day would mean shorter working hours.. but yeahh.. who cares la.. i'm sick sick sick of work and i'm even more sick of complaining about it! bet you are too, hearing about it that is.. :p
anywayzz so yes the weekend flew by as usual.. had me quite an eventful weekend i'd say.. cafe delmar seemed impossible to get to.. haha we met at 7 but only got there like 4 hours later.. lets just say sentosa isnt exactly next door so yeah i guess its kinda expected.. but wow cafe delmar is really gorgeous.. the whole by the beach setting and laid back atmosphere was exactly what the doctor ordered! its definitely worth a re-visit and all you happily attached couplings out there.. sentosa is definitely made for you.. its really really somewhere i'd wanna go IF (more than when) i have a boyyy.. sighieee so now ive got nice places to go to but no boytoy :-( but i've got many fantastic girlies who keep me happy and sane!! (and yes you too shawn- you have to remember you're one of the girls k haha) so yess im glad we decided to try out something different although we kinda ended up going back to familiar territory.. haha yes we spent like 2 hours at cafe delmar then went back to chilliessssss.. haha i know i know.. boat quay was extremely dead, suprisingly.. altho' fri was a public holiday! oh well guess people do have other things to do.. but yeah it still was a good nite.. fri was alrite too.. spent more time outside the club than inside though, but all for a good cause :-) sat was shola's bday which i think went great coz it was all so spontaneous! there was no fixed plan but everything happened beautifully! from gorg' drinks at new asia to cake by the esplanade bay then awesome snackies n beer at TCC and finally chillies!! i hope you had fun shola, i definitely did! muaacckss!
unfortunately sun was a stay in day.. sighie would have loved to go for a movie or jus chill, you know jus to end off the perfect weekend but as my cruel life would have it, i had to do workkkkkkk *bleaughhhhhhhhh*
anyways its a beginning of a new week.. i guess i can only hope its gonna be bearable.. seriously i don't expect anything anymore.. that way i won't be left me, defense mechanisms work.. you really are the only one who can protect yourself from falling.. don't be a fool, there is no such thing as a bed of roses.. we only have a hard inviting ground that takes great pleasure in leaving bruises that last a life time.. yeap the pessimistic is out to play, but guess who'll have the last laugh =) *waves and sashays away*
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
wats up everyone!! heleuuu.. its a rather lepak'ish day at work.. of course ive got loads to do in reality, but i'm just being a lazy bum :-) and leaving it for the lonnnng weekend! yayyyy why cant every week have public holidays!! sighiee which brings me back to my sad argument- why cant sat and sun be working days while mon-fri be ya noe.. da 'weekend'! right thats jus like asking why arent goats and sheep the same animal rite *winks at you know whoooo* hahaha!anywayyzz we've got some exciting times lined up for the weekend! cafe delmar tonite, clubbin on fri at wherever- the highlight being NISHA CAN CLUB and our dear sholanana's smashing bday party and hotel stayover on sat n sun! how cool rite.. she's plannin to have a hawaiin theme, and thanks to lavi we got some great ideas on some authentic hawaiin stuff.. speaking of hawaii.. im planning to change my london idea to visit my wild cousin instead.. oh well i still have time to decide, don't i :-)yeah so anywayss i am really looking forward to tonite.. heard so much about cafe delmar but we've been such loyal bee's patrons that we havent checked out very much else! and vivo city before that.. gosh, there is so much in this tiny country i havent seen! i am quite da lifeless ah! went to meet shawn on tues and we went to this ultra cool joint called uncabunca (don't quote me on the spelling!).. means umm *ahem* in African and jus to illustrate that point, they have this figurine (no plural needed coz they're kinda 'getting together') going at it! haha! i knowww! its disturbing yet really amusing! check it out guys its really stylo, the place ah not the figurine u dirty minded peeps ;) .. very very tastefully done indeed! then we went to desire (now known as jewel- yeah so much for creative names heyy) for a bit.. sigh i don't mean to be dramatic and all but seriously entering it was so.. nostalgic.. we really had some good times there man.. and i kinda miss the place.. maybe one day, guys? or do i hear some vehement objection.. haha oh well, lets see how it goess i guess! for now we'll jus be happy with chillies for the after partyyyyyyyyy!and yesterday was funnn! gardens cartel and grease haven- RK eating house was a good way to end my 'off' day :-) i love u my girlies!sighiee i hate my cough! *glares at everyone* of course none of y'all realise i HAVE A COUGH!! no seriously, i will be coughing like every 2 secs but when i mention i have a cough, everyone looks at me like "since when did you have a cough?".. gee thanks guys.. and to tink all this while i thought you'll were good listeners... not anymoreeeeeeeeee =)alriteeee im off to serangood road for some good indian loving haha.. and to thread la, heh! enjoy the weekend babiessss
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..
Sunday, April 1, 2007
When the smile doesn’t quite reach your eyes,
and your heart feels like its been buried beneath a ton of heavy stones,
each one pressing against it, adding on to ache that throbs incessantly.
When words exchanged slice through like a knife of a butchers’ on meat,
and you never knew either one of you were capable of such spiteful ways,
till its too late.
When you think its all over, that you can just pick up the broken pieces and walk away, casting no shadow on the cursed past.
You forget the foot prints, a constant reminder of the past you try so hard to leave behind.
When you are so sure it’s all in the mind, that you’re in control of every thought that threatens to enter your already clouded head,
You forget your heart leads its own life, leading you down a path where impulse rules and undesired feelings overcome righteousness.
And suddenly everything that was within reach is taken away cruelly, for your heart has won the constant war again.
When you know everything is tainted and an air of doubt lurks at every corner.
When deceit and truth are one and the same.
Recognize that it’s too late, a situation impossible to salvage,
and there is no point holding on to something that was never yours to begin with in the first place.
When everything dawns on you, each time more clear than the first,
you wonder why you keep singing the same tune over and over again.
Everyone’s tired of hearing it, you should be too.
Maybe you’re just so used to feeling this way, it’s become a part of you.
You’re ruled by the all too familiar feeling of resentment and a keen desire for vengeance.
When you’re left feeling drained, desperate to rid yourself off the nagging thoughts that invade your mind when least expected,
While you attempt to pass up on the sweet dish called revenge,
Know that you're not alone.. For I stand exactly where you are now.
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..