Monday, February 26, 2007
i'm in sucha blah mood.. didnt even want to blog but neither do i wanna do my work (although its staring at me with its evil eyes) so i figured blogging would buy me a few seconds, fine minutesss *bleaughhhh* oh well, who said money comes easy aye.. 'cept for those lucky freaks who are born to bloody money plants maybee.. being a student was seriously the best period of my life.. of course i'm only human, coz i never appreciated those good ol' days.. im not even gonna try to relive those times; the plan will fall right flat in my face coz this time i have to support myself! haha so basically being a student isnt the fun bit, its being able to run to your parents for every damn expense! ok ok call me spoilt, pampered, whatever.. but guess i'm paying back now so yes you're having the last laugh *sticks tongue out*
ok this whining bullshit gets me nowhere, yet i seem to do it best.. if only i use half that energy (and time!) to do my damn work, i'd be done by now! *blink blink*
hokaay quick update.. yesterday's dance practice was most fun but also most depressing! kajarare is super duper fast-paced! and most of them already knew the dance, so being a new learner amongst the experts didnt do very much for my already deflated ego! but tis ok i shall persevere *woot woot*
only got back at 6.30 so i missed the first bit of dhool! so sad i didnt get to see NUS's and acidhouz's performance! i was extremely impressed by juju's solo bit (from acidhouse) for the 1 minute round! haha i was tryna figure out if that was juju, when ragi messaged me 'juju!' haha yes we're related for a reason indeed! so like yes everyone's pretty upset that NUS won.. i cant really comment since i missed their dance.. but i'm pretty much a fan of their work otherwise, judging from the quarter and semi- finals, so i'm not too apalled by their victory..haha tho i personally voted for anarchy 99 and diversity!! aiyooo but seriously they were all good laa (ok mostly) i swear the talent present amongst the young indian community is commendable.. i'm truly impressed! amazing choreography, unbelievable synchrony and such inspiring style! i'm genuinely in awe of all the dhool dancers! kudos to all you dhool'ies! =) i want to be you when i grow up!!
ok ok reality is calling me, rather rudely might i add, so i better respond before i die a horrible death.. although i reckon that might be better than *gag* work.. *wails miserably*
I just want to be happy. You MAKE yet BREAK my smile. Well done.
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..
Friday, February 23, 2007
guys no really.. i tink i shall answer your many BUG tags by way of post *pun intended* hahaha ok i seriously forgot about the damn bug and my not so damned mom! but since i have many concerned friends i decided to actually find out how the poor lady was doing..
All this while she's watching some SUN TV movie, where this lady with a huge ass red pottu (i swear i can use the pottu as a beach mat and fit in a family of four or something) shoots out some arrows- from her pottu mind u- at the bad guys.. *rolls eyes* and we wonder why the manjans make fun of us! anyways so my point is, she's watching this shockingly entertaining movie right, so her answers are a little.. distracted.. haha nonetheless..
ME: (in my un-emo voice which you'll are probably no stranger to) So umm, ma, how's the ear?
Mom: (eyes fixed on TV but a in pitiful voice) Still hurts *i'd add a pout for effect :-)*
ME: Really? Must have bitten you or something.. or maybe laid some eggs and started a family going? seeing as to how you kindly provided it a home so it wanted let its children grow under your care as well.. *evil grin*
Mom: *looks at me with her 'soda petti kannadis' and considers what i said for a fraction of a sec* Maybe.. cos it still hurts and i can't sleep on it..
Ok at this point i feel a little bad for making a joke out of the whole thing, but im also like more bored than bugged by her answers, so i just like gave her this you-poor-thing look and like came back to my comp..
haha but well she'll be alright guys... dun worry.. i reckon the bug's in a worse position than she's in so we should also feel sorry for the lil fella, no? and how did the poor dude get there in the first place.. thats truly an unsolved mystery and she has no clue.. she blamed in on poor simba-lingam at first but ruled that out since the poor dog has never been spotted with such interesting bugs before.. oh well.. it was all meant to be i say..but i bet the bug never regretted any other move in its sad lonely life before.. *tear*
ok like thats been a load of bullshit.. hahaha a pat on the back for you if you've come thus far :-) yesterday was a gooooooood night!! it was an unusually usual friday night *grin* i drove to DXO which means i didnt spend a single cent!! didnt really dance much, or at all i should say, but just soakin in the atmosphere and catching some pretty sights here and some not sooooo pretty sights there (referring to our lingerie model) made it all worth it!! and then shola, ragima and i had prata like the good ol' days!! i enjoyed it girliessss but alco-me needs some tonight so be preparedddd :-)
aight im off now.. need to attempt to do some office work.. sigh and before i start wallowing in self pity i better get my ass outta here.. ciaooooooo! ps- my post is blueeeeeeee like you know whooooo :-)
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..
Thursday, February 22, 2007
hahah feels like my blog is full of bug tags!! everyone seems to be in love with the lil blue bug! haha of course my mom wun be too thrilled to hear the bugs got more attention than she did :-D poor thing la.. she was like seriously traumatised, even while she was relating the story.. i actually felt sorry for her and you knowwwwwww how i dun usually lean towards that side of the equation where my mom is concerned.. but like yeah i think thats one of my biggest fears in life.. having some creepy crawlie in my ear *shudders* ok i have this belief that the more u tok about them creatures the more they'll visit you.. so kap-chup this conversation ends here!yeah so today was a hell tiring day at work.. days like this make me re-think wat da hell im doin in audit.. soon, malibu, soon.. sigh thats all i can tell myself to keep sane la.. weekend's almost here.. planning to go for dance class tmw, its been too long.. have practice again on sunday so its gonna be a dance-y weekend.. im actually lookin forward to it.. got a performance comin up in April, so everybodyyyyy i'm giving you'll advance notice :-D i kinda like the items we're gonna perform so i'm not dreading practices like i usually do *yay* and i'm looking forward to the cries of plea from my muscles the day after prac!! My pain. My thrill. :-)of course once i start goin for the classes it'll be a different story la but for now we'll be happy k :-)anywaysss gotta go guyss.. sorry for this absolutely boring post.. i didnt even have a lil fella to make it all exciting but *wink* i might have other stories to tell ya'll tmwwwwwwww *waves goodbyeeeee*
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
ok so the good thing about today is it feels like a monday but its WEDNESDAY!! woo haaaa! ok so little things in life make me happy, deal with it already! :Dwent to work friggin early coz the whole of singapore's on leave so the roads were damn clear! took a nice slow walk to Fuji Xerox building from my usual drop off and i was still early :I so i had me a gorgeous caramel latte at coffeebean and read through my work stuff, which i so ambitiously brought home to do over the long weekend but didnt even end up even glancing at! so yeah spent some quality time with myself then headed up to the client's place at 9am sharp! but thennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn... *pauses to add some suspense* ;-) my laptop sorta semi-crashed! so i had to lug it all the way back to office!! (aka drop off point in da morning!!) oh well the lappie (and i of course) were stuck there till 3pm! sigh well i wouldnt complain usually about this 'stroke of luck' but this week is like such a rushed week! oh well i lepaked in office, had a 2 hr lunch and only made my way back to the client's like 5 hours later when the IT dudes had finally fixed it... oh well i've had to bring work back home so i guess its not sucha great deal ah :-)anywayyy nothing out of the ordinary happened today.. except for this really gross story.. my poor mommy was complainin about some really bad ear-ache tis mornin.. and she thought its coz like she somehow scratched the inside of her ears.. but by noon she couldnt take the pain so she went to the doc.. and guess wat guys.. there was a BLUE BUG inside.. clinging on for dear life!! *gag* i know i'm sorry for grossing you out but i jus HAD to share that 'exciting' news :-) hahaha have a good dinner ya'll!!!!!! muackssssss
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..
Monday, February 19, 2007
*cough cough* crapppp.. thats what i feel like, total crap.. ok fine maybe i'm not feelin THAT bad la but mannn.. 5 days of partying non-stop (except for thurs nite) has definitely taken a toll on my body and god knows wat else.. i think i need to re-think this lifestyle of mine.. having said that, i reckon history is gonna repeat itself come Friday.. great innit *blink blink*
haha this whole blink blink thing is becoming part of my identity man... jesh and all are so inspired (or more amused possibly) that they were conspiring on how they're gonna make it an MSN emoticon.. that WOULD be cool ah.. considering the fact i do that quite a fair bit in real life, it should exist in my online world, just to give it that extra personal touch *beams*
aight enough going on about un-important things.. lets see... wat has happened that's worth blogging.. oh no i think the whole theory of alcohol kills your brain cells is actually true.. [ok think i jus proved it there :-) ] i cant really remember what i did this whole long weekend..
ok no i can do this.. *thinks carefully*
ok to sum it up i pretty much hung out with the chicas every day.. we went to BQ bar on sat, then gotham.. the dancers were there, flaunting umm.. themselves haha! but i love dance of all sorts so i had a good time watching their moves.. i thought they were pretty awesome la, but i don't think everyone agrees with me.. to each his own ayeee :-)
then went to chillies after that.. don't know why we had to be such die-hard clubbers but haha ending off at chillies seems to be part of the routine these days.. so much so that if we don't end up there we feel a little.. thrown off track... hahahhaa ok that is SOO not true! i like to drama'fy, dun mind me :-) but yeah so it was another past 7am-piss-the-parents-off night that seems to be quite da norm these days.. sigh..
anyway on sun it was a quiet'ish nite.. went to bumbles, which was really empty and then had supper at shah-alam! and yeah that was it!! a far cry from our usual ah!
and yesterday we had dinner at this gorgeous cafe- tiamo! our darlin mike's workin there so we went to support him and in turn had us many many drinkssss! cheryl and i practically finished a bottle of wine, had some beer ( i know!! i'm a convert now!!) and another glass of wine each! yeah well, scary alco-me was still up for more drinks at DXO.. i jus love sitting outside DXO and having the towers.. DXO was having some PROMISCUOUS (this word still brings on peals of laughter!!) nite so it was damnn crowded inside la. thank god we could jus sit outside, away from the real world :-) after DXO was chilles (AGAIN) to meet ragi n sivaLam! the tamil music was da bombbbb and of coz my 2 secs of eye candy made it all worth it *bashful smile* had a bit of a hell ride home but tis okk i can stomach some daytona drama i guess... :-)
aiyoo this is jus a radom memory.. on sun nite my bro n sis-in-law came over for dinner... my parents decided to have this bondin session and they put on this VCD of our USA holiday- my parents and i went for 8 years ago!! yes that would be back in my roundER days.. wahhhh my bro was jus laughin and laughin la.. apparently all he saw on screen was 2 bears and their cub, coz he couldnt stop goin on about that! yes that would be my parents and me, incase you didnt get that! how horrible ah!! so much for a bonding session.. more like can-i-kill-the-sibling session if you ask me! haha i left soon after they put the vcd on, so he's alive, dun worry :-)
alriteeee its bac to work tomorrow.. sigh i might attempt to do some "homework" later.. wishful thinking but it doesnt hurt to be ambitious once in a while right? :-) hope everyone's goood!! muacksssss
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..
Saturday, February 17, 2007

the one ive been going on about.. now you understand my addiction? :-(
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..
Friday, February 16, 2007
man its been a while.. been so extremely busy at work [ among many other things of coz ;-) ] that i just didnt find the time to blog! wednesday.. valentines day.. hmmm lets not get all cynical again :D but yeah.. our resident clown- vivian- celebrated his 21st bday at bumbles.. haha yeah we've given him enought shit for the choice of place already :) but it was a fun night for sure.. coz it was like everyone knew everyone and all my babygirls were there and trust me thats a rare occurrence! of coz dear birthday boy got pissed drunk, so before there was a repeat performance of you know what, the boys decided to send him home.. i had a part to play in his drunken stupor coz i got him a flamin sambuka and a terquila so i now i feel bad :-( next day i had to wake up early'ish to go get my MC *ahem*.. the doc i go to is opposite uncle bigg's house so i met him for lunch.. it was his exam week so our unshaven boy was extremely stoned and refused to eat at first! but tis ok i managed to work my magic ;-) we went to cafe cartel in gardens and had us some yummy salad and a not so great mini platter! oh mann now i crave the caeser salad! came home after that and slept for a bit.. and then went to steff's house!! sigh triston is really the cutest baby alive.. i seriously am extremely addicted.. played with him right up from the time he woke up till he feel asleep hours later.. and best part is he feel asleep in my arms.. sigh its really indescribable la the feeling.. yes yes my maternal clock is ticking.. i hear youuuuuuuu *arrggghhh*then came friday.. work was quite.. gross :-( the clients' were all either on leave or on half-day leave.. they should have just declared it a holiday right! couldnt get much achieved so everything was left hanging in mid-air.. great innit, what with the long weekend.. so ive got 3 days next week to finish up shit loads.. sweet! *blink blink*went to dxo at niteeee.. and then chillies after.. a few dramas over the course of the night but overall i had fun.. i always do :-) the menu for tonight looks sorta different.. movie, watch the match then possibly gotham.. but we shall see where the night lead us eventually *wink*adieu my loves!just something ive been thinking about- why is it once they've clinched the deal they forget how hard they had to work to get it? do they need some jolts to their memory- or do they need to lose it all to realise its worth? its only human i know, but we need to start recognizing the treasure infront of us.. before it turns to dust. think about it, i will too.
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
i dun geddit. why do we repeatedly do the same things, make the same mistakes, only to suffer the similar fate.. and mind u, we know what we're getting ourselves into. but its so easy to forget all the bad times, the anger, the hatred, the immense pain.. we can just throw 'em away with a flick of the wrist, just like that.. maybe we forget all, in a moment of weakness but maybe we just don't care. Why is it we don't practice what we preach.. we advice another like we've been thru hell and back so they should learn from our life's experiences instead of having to tread down that path on their own.. Yet when the same advice should be heeded by us, we choose to ignore it coz it makes us happier to give in.. Is that temporary happiness enough to pacify you when you end up hurt AGAIN. Is the pain you KNOW is on its way to your door not enough to stop you right in your tracks so you can turn around before its too late? or is it already too late? Love makes us do stupid things but thats no excuse. Giving in is easy but recovering can take a lifetime. Just remember that. Call me a cynic, call me a pessimist. I'd rather live my life alone sometimes. But don't worry i'll never tell you "i told you so". I'll still be here for you, and listen to your sob story again, even though WE both saw that coming.. But above that, i'll pray it works out for you this time.. Coz i don't like to see you hurt again.. the heart wrenching sobs were real, your happiness was the facade. Thats why i just don't geddit.
ps- i am/have been a victim of my own crime. how hyprocritical aye. dun mind me.. *smile*
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..
it is me again.. i know, twice in one day.. yeah yeah get over it :D its just that i don't feel like ive blogged yet, coz i was rushin in the afternoon! so didnt really get to put much thought into what i was writing.. and i HATE that :Dgosh im soooo frigging tired... all you lucky bastards who get to leave at 5.30 or 6 or whenever your offical work hour ends.. please freaking appreciate that privilege! sigh.. seriously i just want a normal'ish 9-6 job la.. right now i have a 9-forever job.. any takers out there?? i dare you to! was just talkin to my darlin cousin lavi online.. the lucky biatch is in hawaii, perving on her hot lecturers and having a tough time choosing between two hunks for her valentine's date! i mean like wat da hell right.. some people have all the luck in the world.. its no wonder i'm left with none! sobbbbbbbbbb! but tis okkk i love that little one to bits! she's sucha darling la! and im definitely goin to hawaii sometime this year.. missykins is already behaving like a local, so i'm pretty sure i'll see the best of hawaii, with her as my guide! can't wait!Valentine's day in an hour.. mannn.. i was tryin to recollect what i did for the past few valentine's days.. The one thats the most memorable would be my first v-day wit uncle bigg.. Miss congeniality, the bracelet, the 'i was gonna ask you but your phone rang and you had to leave', the head on shoulder'ness.. sighieeeeeeeee.. those were the days man.. no complications just pure innocence.. and then we had this other v-day where we cooked! haha ok he cooked while i attempted to :-) no big surprise there innit! oh well.. memoriess indeedd! *hug* Happy Valentine's day ya'll!!!!!!!!!!!!!okk i'm ready to pass out now.. i'm off!! nighttttttttttttt
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..
Monday, February 12, 2007
helloooo.. got like 5 mins before i need to leave to take my 5 km walk to meet dear aruna for lunch! ok ok more like 0.5 km but hey they dun call me drama queen for nothin ya noe :-)
the beach was great!! i loved jus sitting by the water and sipping on my stout.. the sound of da waves is oh-so- therapeutic! sighieeee.. i'm going to make this beach-visits a habit.. anyone else interesteddd??? :-D haha i dunno why im suddenly into drinkin stout.. all thanks to mega d.. he intro'ed it to me @ BQ last week! haha mann the drinkin days in perth were maddddd.. he used to mix me the most potent of drinks!! but yeahh i needed 'em.. haha.. yeahh i need help, i know!!
tomorrow is V-day.. haha also Vivian's bday.. all these V's ahh haha.. so like im still wondering how i'm gonna go for that and then work the next day.. i really wanna call in sick but im not sure if i can afford to.. coAz its a long weekend which means i have less days to complete my work.. crap!! why oh why do i have to work again!! i wish i never had to grow up.. *sulk*
okk i am reallie late now crappppp... okok ciao folks! *kisskiss*
ps- i read this at the gym yesterday. "To make your body change, you need to stress it". All i gotta say is.. God is cruel.. Good things don't come easy for sure.. God damn it bull shit. Oh what a Blasphemy *heh*
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..
wasssuuppp everybodiee :-D and how are we today?? *looks around with a smile*
hiack hiack ok sounds like i had some fab day and i'm the best of moods right! well.. guess after having been thru those 4am days, i've got no right to complain ever again! haha infact today i took a super duper long lunch!! nicely went threading at lil india, went to raffles city and bought perfume all and then like strolled back into my client's place 2 and a 1/2 hours later!! come onnn don't you think i deserve this after all my other shitty clients!! oh well.. am still in the office but will be ciao'ing soon.. goin to the gym [thank you PwC for makin it free for us. i luff you for that, ONLY =) ] then goin to da beachhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! so happieeeee so so happieeeee!! ok you know how i love that place right.. sigh.. one day i swear i'm gonna get me a house by da beach.. just watch and see hmmph! or.. you can get me da house also la, i dunch mindd =)
the weekend was awesome!! DXO was seriously da bomb!! i love it la.. was so fun wit all the babygirls!! shinaaaaa you must club more often ok! oh what a great influence i am.. but yeahh.. shina, by the way, is officially my blog Goddess [move over shola ;-) haha but you are still my God for many other thingsss k shnowmiee *wink*] She's seriously da bomb diggity la this shina darlingg!! she spent like many hours to beautify malibu's blog *tear* haha! *muacksss*
and Sat was most fun too... some quality time with the chicas at BQ where, thanks to birthday girl Cheryl, we got alot of ahem attention! hahha.. free shots la, special candle lighting services la, major flirting with the manager la [by Cheryl of coz ;-) ]... was damnn funny laa.. and bumbles and chillies after that was goooot as well.. although i was seriously sitting in one corner n stoning (not to mention, YAWNING) in the beginning.. but tis alrite.. my good buddy - Mr alcohol- came along and kept me in high SPIRITS for the rest of the night *grin*
And dhool on Sunday with ragima and sivaLam was also most entertaining.. wow.. talkin about dhool, sangeetha reminded me on sunday i've been learnin dance for 21 friggin years now.. crap.. that is hell long.. and sigh, i don't seem to be too motivated to even go for classes these days.. but yes i shall think about all those years invested and do somethin about it, ok? :-)
alriteeee i shall be off nowww.. need to go get my adrenaline pumpinggggg wooohaaaaa
see ya folks!
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..
Thursday, February 8, 2007
its fridayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy *jumps around ecstatically and triggers off some tsunami alerts* heh
yesterday i had a ball of a time having many 4-somes laaaa.. i know.. 3-somes just aint good enuff no more ;-) ok ok all u pervs.. relac ahhh :) i meant like 4-way conversations on MSN with cheryl, shina, shola and shawn!! hahaha was super duper entertaining! of coz until i kept getting booted out of the conversation la : / stupid pms'ing MSN! haha but was fun while it lasted for sure! i hope they come online again to keep me sane at work!!
was supposed to go to the beachhhhh in da nite but the plan has been 'postponed'.. lets see if i actually end up going!! sigh i abosolutelyyyyy love the beach.. its seriously my haven!! when i die i don't wanna go to heaven or hell (duh).. i wanna go to the beach :D ok ah, thanks Goddddddddddd *muacksss*
can't wait for tonite and tomorrow.. ok fine all of you'll just shut it.. i know i club too much for my own good but it makes me happy ok... and you want me to be happy, no? and when i'm happy you're happy, so its a good deal, don't cha' reckonn ;-) i knew i'd make u see it my way *grin*
so sad my sanity check is sreeeepinggg.. haha i made a lil promise after yesterday, shola, i will never wake up again kkkkk (unless of coz i'm supposed to la *heh*) thats why i never call youuu todayyy.. coz wowiee junior juice.. shola makes u payyy mannn.. one little phonecall and she blogs and bulletin-s about it... tsk tsk this girl is full of vengeance xiaaa ;-) haha the phone conversation last nite was so funny laaa.. she's sucha psycho! but i admit it takes one psycho to humour another, so yes i'm guilty as charged :D love u shnowmieee and cant wait to see your sexy (or should i say clean) powdered and sprayed armpits later hahahaha!
alrite folks im off! adieu my lovess!
Here's a thought.. mind you its JUST a thought.. don't YOU go mull over it too much aight..
"We're prisoners in the same trap, but at least you deserve the punishment. I've done nothing."
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..
Wednesday, February 7, 2007

babygirl and meeee
hola everyone =)
im having yet another cheery morning! woohaaa *grin*
yesterday was a walk down memory laneee! was like a day in perth! met my darlin jinderbai for lunch at raffles place.. haha we went from one eatery to another but like every damn thing was packed! we finally settled for banquet at clifford pier and i had my yummy yong tau fu *happy smile* dun ask me why but i'm addicted! it was awesome meeting up with her.. babygirl and i share loadss of memories and i am so glad she's in my life.. jinder i want you to know i'm always here for you k.. things may seem bleak now, but trust me they can only get better!! *muackssss*
and in the nite was an impromptu lunch with the infamous Mega D ;-) haha a far cry from my earlier plan of gym'fying! but it was most funnnn! we had a gorgeous drink each, at BQ bar then headed down to Gardens to have some local delights =) haha the fool was embarrassing the hell out of me at BQ but i shant get into the story coz... i'm too lazy *hee* but thanks mega d, i had a lovely timeeee!!
got home at elevenish and plopped straight into bed... best part is two of my perth darlins messaged me randomly just as i was about to sleep!! sighhh tis a sign guyssss... i wanna go backkkkkkkkkkkk :-( soon soon.. if all goes well, as planned.. *smile*
aight guys i'm off.. once again my exciting numbers are calling out to me from the 59th storey of OUB centre.. how thrilling indeed.. haha see ya peeps!
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..
goooooooooooooooooooood morning worlddddddddddd!! =)
yeah im in a pretty good mood coz i tucked myself into my cozy bed by 10pm so i feeeeel sooo refreshed.. lets just hope i dont get drained by noon : /
anywayzz here i am sitting in the middle of the open space between OUB centre and caltex house, blogging.. like seriously where's malini and what did you do to her you bloody impostor youuu.. but i is most enjoying it *heh*
ok so if you havent figured out, im one of the most random people around.. i jump from one topic to another.. possibly the product of a muddled up head- but do try to keep up wogaaay =)
i'm getting excited!! talking to ragimaa online and she's decided to come to DXO on fridayyy!! gone are the days where ragi's the one who will have to convince us to club mannn.. thats wat happens wen you're off the market i guess *winks at ragi* next babe, you'll have to club in trackies jus to prove that point!
it's cheryl's birthday todayyy! happy birthday gorgeoussssssss!! we all laus you to many itsy bitsy pieces!! *muacksssssss*
ok i think i've bored myself to death with my boring post so before i kill more people i'll jus like say tata and get my sorry ass back to reality.. sadly work beckons..
i absolutely love this song.. so here goes... sigh.. don't cry ok *weak smile* much love peeps! see ya'll soon!
Talk to me softly
There is something in your eyes
Don't hang your head in sorrow
And please don't cry
I know how you feel inside I
I've been there before
Somethin is changin' inside you
And don't you know
Don't you cry tonight
I still love you baby
Don't you cry tonight
Don't you cry tonight
There's a heaven above you baby
And don't you cry tonight
Give me a whisper
And give me a sign
Give me a kiss before you tell me goodbye
Don't you take it so hard now
And please don't take it so bad
I'll still be thinkin' of you
And the times we
And don't you cry tonight
Don't you cry tonight
Don't you cry tonight
There's a heaven above you baby
And don't you cry tonight
And please remember that I never lied
And please rememberhow I felt inside now honey
You gotta make it your own way
But you'll be alright now sugar
You'll feel better tomorrow
Come the morning light now baby
And don't you cry tonight And don't you cry tonight And don't you cry tonight
There's a heaven above you baby
And don't you cry Don't you ever cry Don't you cry tonight
Baby maybe someday
Don't you cry Don't you ever cry Don't you cryTonight
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..
Monday, February 5, 2007
ok so im finally blogging *heh* was shola my baby-nola who set up this account for me and posted my very first post!! i'm very very new to all this so forgive me if its like not up to expectations ok (if you even have expectations you deserve to be disappointed hah) but yeahhhhhhhhh ive caught on to the blogging syndrome.. a bit hypocritical considering the fact i kinda used to laugh at bloggers, wondering why anyone would even bother.. but yes we'll see how long this phase lasts for me =)will be back soon!!!!!!!!!
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of..